Monday, July 5, 2010

PT, nearing the end

Gracelyn is getting very close to graduating physical therapy! It's amazing, fantastic, and most of all, a miracle from God! She is a little over 8 1/2 months old and has pretty much met all the 6 month requirements, in a MUCH shorter time than was ever predicted.
For me though, it's bittersweet. Obviously I am elated, I mean completely over-the-moon, excited to see the progress she has made and how well she's done with all hurdles she's barreled through. She began immediately after being discharged from the hospital, not even able to hold her head up or put weight on her legs when being held to now moving across the floor, army crawling, sitting unsupported for as long as SHE wants, sitting and reaching for objects, initiating steps when you hold her hands and she's so close to getting up on all fours! I am also a little sad. The entire staff has seen the progress that we, as her family has. From the limp baby girl who could do nothing now the baby girl who is unstoppable. They are truly family to us. Even though Gracelyn only sees them once a week, she loves them, even Mr. Derrick who makes her work sometimes against her will. Gracelyn Paige is my sunshine. She has taught ME so much.

Mr. Derrick wanted her to transfer her weight to the table.
She wouldn't without help.

She is standing better.
She still is unsteady and her belly moves all around, I call it her "hoolla-hooping dance!"

Mr. Derrick helped her climb on his legs and she thought being taller was so much fun!

look at that form!

real love.
Mr. Derrick, checking for teeth...

initiating steps on her own!!

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