Friday, July 9, 2010

nature baby

Our family just returned from a week long camping trip at Roaring River in Missouri. It was Gracelyn's first. I actually hadn't been camping since last summer when we went there and I was 7 months pregnant with her.
She did pretty well. She didn't sleep much, but that's no different than at home. She never sleeps. She did really enjoy watching all the boys run and ride around. Another family in town has a family, exactly the same number as ours. Their oldest is a day older than our oldest with 2 more boys, like us and then a baby girl born exactly one month before Gracelyn. It's uncanny. So there was plenty of action for her to take in.
She did have some firsts on the trip. She drank from a sippy cup and enjoyed teddy grahams, broken in 2.
I was hoping somehow nature would help with her bowels but it didn't. wishful thinking.
She was a trooper though. She lasted on a mile long hike in a backpack carrier and only fussed a couple of times. She sat in the stroller watching us slide down a water slide and relaxed in the hammock, stroller or on the pallet while her mom and dad fixed supper for everyone so that she could eat her food. I was proud of her for that.

the first morning, in the tent!

looking through the tent screen at Gracie with her friend Emily and Emily's mom, Kathy

she absolutely LOVES looking at herself.

mom and G on mom's birthday

yes, that is Gracelyn, in her tub, in the great outdoors.
She loves baths anyway but she had so much fun.
She was pointing at Berkley, our lab.

ready for the mile hike to the caves!
She just recently started waving and she was waving to me!!

drinking from a sippy!
I don't know if it was just because she was so thirsty but I have been offering her a sippy for a couple of weeks now and she's had no interest.
She acted though like she had been using a sippy for months, no problem whatsoever. And the cup had a filter so she had to really suck, which I have been concerned about those muscles because she still seems weak there.

family picture, post hike!
Gracelyn did excellent in the backpack carrier!

G ready for the waterslide.
and NO she did not participate,
she merely dressed for the occasion and acted as our cheerleader.

I've been saying this for weeks but I really think she is teething.

while the big boys went to the swimming hole, the little ones were left with 2 wash tubs to play in. They had fun. Some may call it a redneck pool, we call it improvising.

at the snakes show.
It was way past bedtime and I think she was in a state of deliriousness.

the hammock was a favorite hangout of hers

she loved the pallet for a few minutes each time before army crawling to the side and grabbing a handful of grass, root and all and eating it. Then she threw it up. lovely.

Gracie having a blast in the hammock with her dad and 2 younger bros.
The boys only enjoyed her activeness for a few minutes before asking me to get her.

Gracelyn NOT looking thrilled to get in her car seat for the 6 hour drive home.
She did really well though. It helps that she can see her brothers since she sits in the middle row.

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