Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Nine is Divine!

As of last Friday, the 16th, Gracelyn is 9 months old now!!

I believe I said this last month but WOW. where had the time gone? She is ¾ of the way to one year and she's is doing so much now!!
A month ago her tongue thrust prevented her from eating solid foods without me watering them down for her to slurp off the spoon. It's no longer the case anymore! She's still on very well pureed foods but it's fantastic! Miss G is handling her sippy so well. and speaking of handling, her fine motor skills are improving greatly! She can pick up her little Gerber puffs one at a time, off her tray and put them in her mouth! She actually will pick up anything and put it in her mouth. another thing she couldn't do last month! Gracie's still army crawling but now she is an ATB, all-terrain baby. She tackles anything and anyone! if she sees something she wants and an object or person is in the way, watch out because she charges over or through to get to her goal. It's awesome! She so very close to sitting from her tummy, she gets halfway there! Gracelyn is standing better. She still has the hoolla hoop action going on, not nearly as much though AND she is starting to move a foot. She's yet to take a step but you can see in the picture below where she moved her right foot back! G is standing for about 5 minutes now!
She's jabbering and laughing, cracking up and blowing raspberries constantly. I don't have to give daily suppositories anymore either, it's every 2-3 days now!!! YAY!!!

Her main battle right now is her tooth. The tooth that she began cutting a week from last Saturday, um, she is still cutting it. You can finally see it now but just barely. It's so sad and such torture for her. Poor girl, she's in pain and I've tried everything to help ease it. She sleeps even less now though. like waking up hourly and taking 20 minutes to go back to sleep, only to sleep about 30.

Last Friday, when she turned 9 months old, Gracelyn had her first swim!

She wasn't much of a fan, which surprised me. She preferred observing...

...and playing with her friend Emily!

Emily turned 10 months old that day. They just have so much fun and smile and laugh at each other!!

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