Thursday, November 18, 2010

13 months old!

Gracelyn is 13 months old now! It actually seems like the last month hasn't gone by so quickly, unlike the month leading up to her first birthday. probably because so much happened in the last month with camping and her youngest-big brother's birthday party on top of our "normal" craziness.

she wants to be front and center

Gracie is doing very!!
She is eating very well and loving pasta, grilled chicken, turkey, pancakes, eggs, bread, cheese, fruit, most veggies and is a champ at feeding herself! G loves water and I've actually been able to get her to drink 1 ounce of whole milk so far before she throws her sippy down. I'm adding 1T of mirilax to her sippy cup each day.
Miss G is walking all over the place, still a bit unsteady but getting there. Her daddy wanted so badly to make her Frankenstein for Halloween because she still walks with her arms out for balance. (I vetoed it.) As long as she is not sleepy or fussy, she takes the trips and falls pretty well and will jump right back up.
Being a girl, she isn't quiet, she jabbers constantly, but as far as actual words, "mama" is the main word and "duck" has been said a couple of times. Her daddy pleads with her to say "dada" but she laughs and growls at him. Animal noises are plentiful from Gracelyn, what do you expect with 3 big brothers?
Despite the top pic, she is still a mostly happy girl. Gracie absolutely adores her brothers, adores them! In the morning when I get her out of her crib she points to the door to go find them, and they all light up when she comes in the room.
G is doing pretty well in CDO. She is getting less fond of me with the other babies and will want to sit on my knee if another baby is in my lap.
I am so impressed with her ability to share with her friends Taryn and Ellie. The girls do very well sitting and playing together! I think it's comes from having big bros that sort of "take charge!" so they are pretty used to it.
at CDO, she loves the baby dolls!

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