Gracelyn Paige is 14 months old today!!
She is quite independent (or so SHE thinks) these days and she's also pretty dramatic. If she doesn't want to do things, get in her carseat, leave her brother's room and especially get dressed, she'll arch her back and storm off. Her 3 brothers were really only a smidgen like that.

Gone are the days of cuddles or wanting to be held. Now she wants to be down, playing, walking and, most recently, running! She does bring books to me to read to her all throughout the day (which I totally love because her oldest brother Brandon did that at her age and is a little bookworm now at the age of 8!)

Gracie is a professional at making faces, which is pretty adorable. She squints her eyes and smiles really big, which is my favorite, and is given most often when you give her food! Food is the way to her heart. G can go from happy and laughing to throwing a fit in a matter of milliseconds, even if it's over a cracker she wants. The girl does love her some food and can snack all day long.

She is sleeping so much better these days! (I actually started typing this post about a week ago and I should change that last sentence to "not so much" BUT I think she's teething so I'll blame the lack of sleep on that.) We lay her down after she nurses and she puts herself to sleep cuddling her blanket and watching her seahorse.
Really the only issue we have is constipation. We use suppositories are are up to 2T of mirilax in her sippy a day.

Miss G is talking a lot, really all you can understand is "mama" "dada" and her newest is "this" pronounced "dis" It's really adorable but she says it as she points to every.single.thing. I know I say it all the time but she adores Britton, adores him. She loves her other bros but Britton loves her and shows her affection anytime.anywhere. She calls him something but I cannot decipher it.

These pictures are beyond cute of Miss G!!! Love them and love her! Happy that she cuddled with me some today too. :)