Our only concern is constipation. Of course all the foods G likes at this point don't help with the issue so we are upping the Mirilax in hopes that it helps!
Gracie tipped the scales at an even 22lbs and measured 29 3/4", both in the 75 percentile!
The appointment took longer than normal Friday because the pedi and I reminisced on the past year with Gracelyn. mainly Thursday, March 11, the day I brought her in limp and having no idea what was wrong. We shed tears together and group-hugged Gracie, who had absolutely no idea what the water works were all about! Her seeing for herself how far G has come after how far she was set back made her day!
Yay for a good checkup! I cannot believe how far she's come from the sick little girl at the hospital, to the happy WALKING girl on the go!