Thursday, August 26, 2010


I have been playing peek-a-boo with Gracelyn for awhile now and she thinks it hilarious, which makes me think it's hilarious too!
Up until now, she would always pull the blanket (or shorts while changing her diaper) off her face after I covered it. As of today she will raise the blanket up to cover her own head and take it off, all on her own. (In the video she only does it once because we had been playing for quite some time before it finally dawned on me to video her.) It's a lot of fun because she will play and interact more and more each day. She still isn't a fan of patty-cake so we partake in a lot of peek-a-boo and singing.

What's even funnier about this video is that she is playing with Britton's beloved "bay." She loves how soft it is, or maybe that she knows she isn't allowed to touch it. Either way, it was handy and he was off playing with Blaine so he had no idea that his "bay" was be touched by someone other than himself. He watched the video after I uploaded it to YouTube and he was none too pleased to see it in the arms of his sister.

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