Tuesday, August 17, 2010

10 months down....2 to go

Gracelyn is 10 months old, as of Monday, the 16th. It's more of a countdown now to the big first celebration, seeing as I am in party planning mode. I'll go ahead and confess that I have been since she was born, maybe not physically purchasing items for her party back in October but mentally preparing. Her cake is ordered, has been for months and her "party wear" is too. What can I say, she is my princess and that is exactly the kind of party Miss G will get!

Current stats on Gracelyn Paige...
she is all over the place now. She scoots, one arm over the other, and really can go go go! Since Monday, she has gotten up 3 times on all fours and crawled one movement!!! I'm trying to catch it on video but once she starts, she immediately realizes how much quicker her army crawling is, so she belly-flops and is gone! Gracie is pulling up to a stand to pretty much anything and does it very quickly! She just sits right up from her belly now too. It's hard to believe that it was such an issue for her before.
I have been standing her up, unsupported, for about a week and she would last a couple of seconds and then fall either to the front or back. (I catch her of course!) Monday night, she stood balanced for 32 seconds! She was so excited (or possibly distracted because we were all cheering wildly) that after that she immediately fell over and over again!!

G said "MAMA" and reached for me Sunday! Talk about heart-melting!
I'm working with her on kissing but when I say "kiss" to her she won't, BUT will pucker and smack randomly throughout the day, when I am not mentioning it.

She is fussy fussy lately, my little "Grumpy Gracie." I think it's teeth related so I give her Tylenol and teething tablets. It's sad/funny how her face lights up when she sees the teething tablet bottle. As a result of her gum pain, she isn't eating much, which doesn't help her sleeping issue, or better yet NON-sleeping issue. I can only get her to eat a tiny bit of food but she will eat cheerios and puffs by the handfuls. G is a pro at her two hand


Her HUGE smiles that she gives us often are absolutely beautiful! Among her fussiness in a day, she can just light up a room with her grins, just because of something as simple as saying her name or seeing her brothers and them talking to her. precious precious.

she has really grown in length. I couldn't tell you exactly how much. she goes for her NINE month well check on Friday, yes at 10 months and 1 week of age.

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