Gracelyn had her 9 month well-check Friday. It was a month and 1 week late, partly due to my tardiness in scheduling it and the pediatrician being on vacation. It's kind of what happens when you have 4 kids, at least in our world, and according to my dear mom friend who also has 4 kiddos!
Miss G weighed in at 20 pounds, 10 ounces and is 27.5 inches long! That puts her in the 50th percentile for weight and 50th for length.
Doc thought she looked great!
I mentioned to her that Gracie wasn't sleeping and hadn't really since we got home from the hospital in March. She said it was perfectly understandable. Just as I was having difficulty letting her out of my sight (and hold,) so was G with me. She called it a form of separation anxiety. It made total sense as we are pretty much a package deal. It's not like Gracelyn wants to be held all day. she gets down and plays a lot, but pretty much always knows where I am in the house.
Gracie also received her 6 month shots. I opted out of them at 6 months. For me it was too soon after she was discharged, even though the Botulism Treatment Center in San Fransisco that supplied the Baby BIG immune-globulin to treat her botulism said that vaccines were fine, as long as they were not live virus vaccines. I was still and still am leery of them knowing that the serum is still in her system, helping to protect her from any further botulism sickness for the next few months. There is no way to be absolutely certain that nothing will counteract but this is where I have to trust God, turn my anxiety to Him. For He is the ONLY one who knows and can comfort and protect her.
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