better known as a "Rockstar!!"
So I wrote the other day that Gracelyn was getting up on all fours and crawling one movement, meaning moving one hand forward and one knee and then belly flopping. I promised that I would catch it on video but was honestly having difficulty because with only one quick stride, she was done before I captured it. Today Miss G proved yet again, how she is my miracle baby. She army crawled herself to the kitchen where I was preparing lunch and as the boys were making their way to the table she went from a sit to all fours and crawled the ENTIRE WAY TO THE TABLE! I'm talking like 6 feet! I just stood there with my mouth touching the floor. Even the boys commented. Britton pointed and said, "Mom, Dadie (his version of Gracie) crawling." The first time she goes from one crawl to that!! She had sat herself right at her brothers' feet so I ran and got my phone and knelt down and called her over to me. She started to come to me but opted for a detour and made a sharp left turn to go to the living room.
Gracelyn is truly our rockstar. She has scaled the hurdles and is making such progress! It's awesome and something that I can really only thank God for. It's with Him that she has done the things she has.
Even though she is capable of crawling now, her preferred mode of transportation is still the army crawl. She is quite speedy so who can blame her? I have also noticed that, so far, she only will crawl on our kitchen tile. Of course she has only crawled long distances three times now but as soon as she gets to the carpet, she drops.
The next milestone I would LOVE to blog about would be Gracelyn sleeping! The girl does NOT sleep. ever. even in the day I'm lucky if she takes a 30 minute nap. She wasn't sleeping through the night before she was diagnosed with botulism but she was only up once in the night. Now it's every 2 hours, if not every hour and it takes a good 20 minutes to get her to go back to sleep, at least.