Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Another week of PT and Gracelyn update!

Gracelyn's PT session last week was not as exciting as the week before. For the first half hour she just laid on the mat as if she was glued to it. Mr. Derrick finally got her motivated to work a little when Michael Jackson's Thriller came on and they danced! He told me that as long as she wasn't going to be consistent in what she did at home and at therapy, then she wouldn't be able to graduate from PT. We have since had a little mother-daughter pep talk and I hope this Wednesday will prove more productive.
In other Gracie news, she is still doing well with foods, loving them and eating a lot, as long as her brothers aren't around to distract her. She would MUCH rather watch and laugh at them, namely Britton. She really only has eyes for Britton and his feelings are mutual! Gracie is babbling a lot, which is absolutely adorable! I could listen to her babble all day long but she stops when I try to record her!
The mirilax that I put in a bottle with Pedialyte is no longer working to soften her stools and her little tummy is rock hard so liquid suppositories is what each day brings. no fun at.all, but it helps her feel so much better. I just feel so bad for her.
On top of the daily suppositories, I believe she is teething. No teeth have poked through yet but she is drooling a lot. So between teething tablets, tylenol and motrin I am doing my best to try to keep her comfy. She is very mobile now, as long as she can roll there!! The little boys have no idea that she is about to invade their toys!
her warm-up routine!
sitting, while barely supported!
look at that arm strength!
AND head control!
working with her to get her to move FORWARD!
after pull-ups, while sitting, she and Mr. Derrick performed "head, shoulders, knees and toes" She stopped mid-song for a chew on the fingers!
she was soooooo tired.
Mr. Derrick made her really work and she was looking at me for a little sympathy!
she is DONE!
I love how her eye is all smushed to the mat, she was t.i.r.e.d!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Gracie's Mommy. I'm from Brazil and I read all your posts. I hope Grace get better soon. It's a amazing history. I'll follow your blog to see the treatment of Grace and her grow. Can I? Hugs and Kissos.
