Easter has always been my most favorite holiday, with Christmas a very close second. As a Christian, the birth of Jesus Christ is exciting, but the hope and meaning that surrounds the Easter holiday overwhelms me.
(I have been using that word, "overwhelm", a lot lately...since Gracelyn was put in the hospital, and in describing my emotions in the circumstances as well as with the outpouring of selfless love and support from so many. That word just sums up my feelings very well)
Anyway, I L.O.V.E. Easter, plain and simple.
Every Easter is special but this year, not only was it Gracelyn's very first Easter, but on March 11 when she was diagnosed with infantile botulism, we were informed that the chances of her being in the hospital this weekend were extremely high. I was even told that I might as well just plan on bringing her dress and custom bow up the hospital and they would have a Gracelyn parade and show her off!
I certainly understood how important it was that Gracelyn get the care that she required while in the hospital but the idea that our family still wouldn't be together after several weeks and to celebrate Christ's Resurrection together greatly saddened me.
Well, God obviously had other plans for Gracelyn and our "little" family because she was NOT in the hospital for Easter!!!! She is home and continuing her recovery with her family. We were all able to see some of the grandparents and our church family yesterday and today and it was GREAT!!!!
I have been pretty emotional, ok, very emotional the last few weeks, and while every Easter weekend brings emotions, this one especially did. I just cannot imagine feeling more blessed than I do. I am so thankful to God for ALL that He has chosen to give me.
I say it a lot but I am so grateful to everyone that has prayed for Gracelyn. God heard our prayers and continues to heal her.
I tell Gracie often of the testimony she has now of God's love and His healing hand. It's ALL because of Him that we were able to celebrate as a family the sacrifice that His Son made for every single one of us.
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