Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Food and Feet

I started Gracelyn on oatmeal (the fish flake oatmeal as I like to call the baby kind) with mom's milk a week ago. She did okay, wasn't too much of a fan (the boys never were either with something so bland) but after a few days got the hang of the spoon pretty well. I personally am not a fan of pictures with food running down the chin so I didn't take many.

first time eating from the spoon...
and I believe she is finished and full!

So this week I began making baby food!!! I usually start making baby food between months 4-5 in preparation for month 6 when I begin solids but since Gracelyn became ill at 4 months I was a little preoccupied and baby food dropped to the bottom of the to-do list. With the main setback of the botulism toxin being constipation, the doc advised us to start with fruits. I have always started with veggies so I pray that she eats them well when the time comes. Tuesday I gave her homemade applesauce oatmeal for the first time, and it was a success!! She LOVED it! She even grabbed the spoon with both hands and sucked every bit of applesauce off of it.
so excited!!it's a keeper... much that she cried real tears when it was all gone

Every day since Gracelyn has been home from the hospital, during her at-home therapy sessions 3 times a day, I always play with her feet and show them to her. It's never sparked her interest in them though. Last Wednesday at therapy Mr. Derrick, her physical therapist, showed them to her and waa-laa, she is all about them now! I mean L.O.V.E.S. them!

She grabs them while she's in her carrier, in the swing, on the floor, while sitting on someone's lap, any time that she can! It's so precious!

It shows Gracelyn's incredible muscle strength that she has gained.
She can hold on to her feet, both feet, while moving them all around!
Gracelyn has come so far and it is amazing and miraculous and every bit of it is thanks to our wonderful God!

1 comment:

  1. Love the updates!!! Sounds (and looks) like sweet baby girl is doing well! :)
