I've been meaning to take my camera to Gracelyn's PT sessions each week for the past 8 weeks now. Unfortunately it has slipped my mind with having to drop Britton off at a wonderful friend's house while remembering his bag and Blaine off at another sweet friend's house if he doesn't have speech therapy that same day AND get Miss G to therapy 20 minutes away that morning. And I am NOT a morning person, actually Blaine is the only one who is.
But I finally remembered it today! Gracelyn works really hard at therapy. She is a rock star each week, even on mornings when she didn't sleep so well the night before. Like last week, the night before PT she maybe slept a total of 4 hours and she did fantastic, rolling over 3 times, rotating her body on the mat, sitting up while supported! She is making amazing strides.
Gracie LOVES PT! From her awesome therapist Derrick to Rusty, another PT and even Miss Bev, the glue that holds the place together!! They all love her too and give her so much attention that I think she shows off especially for them! I will find out what she can do for the first time there and I really think she has been able to do it for days but she will perform her new tricks for them!
Up until today, I haven't seen her roll from her back onto her tummy on her right side. Well she did today at PT and she did that 5 times!! She sat supported, more steady this week though, not needing so much help. Mr. Derrick was with another patient so a student worked with her today. Miss Lindsay attempted to put her on all fours but G didn't much care for that. She is getting there!!