Gracelyn is 15 months old now! She is so full of life... and expressions and personality and attitude! She is a one fun little girl.
she is a HAM! she dragged her laundry basket into the kitchen, found the pantry door open and pulled out the peanut butter (which she has NEVER had) and put herself, the pb and her sippy in the basket.
I love my little cupcake head, which her daddy lovingly calls her because of her hat.
Gracie is talking quite a bit and each day I am surprised by a new word. Just some of the words she says, "ball" "cracker" "uh oh" "Brandon" "more" "bye" "flowers" and of course "mama" and "dada." I'm really working on "mimi" with her because she calls her "mama" as well, she does adore her mimi!! Gracelyn has a word for both Blaine and Britton and they match the syllables of their names, I just cannot tell what they are. When you ask her a yes/no question she shakes her head no.... which leads me to her attitude. And Miss G sure has one. She knows what she wants or doesn't want to do and doesn't hesitate to let me know (which includes but isn't limited to posing for pictures.) I asked the pediatrician today about time-out and we will put that into motion immediately.

stats for Miss Gracelyn at 15 months:
height- 30 1/2 inches (50th percentile)
weight- 25.4 lbs (90th percentile)
refusing to face the camera. stinker.
Gracie loves her food. loves it. She loves pasta, most fruit, pork and chicken but not beef and now that she is weaned she very much enjoys whole milk. I was nervous about adding it to her diet with her constipation but it's not any worse since she began drinking the milk. I'm still giving her yogurt regularly and mirilax.
very few smiles for the camera these days BUT she is fulls of smiles and laughs all day long.
Gracie is quite a bookworm, which I think is a major reason she is talking so much. She and I read constantly and I love when she comes up with a book, turns around and back up onto my lap. On Wednesday nights at church the nursery workers know that she loves books too so they read to her book after book, which is great because Gracelyn is in there for a couple of hours and she beginning to adapt.

Gracelyn loves her pacifier, as much as she loves food. The pediatrician said today that we need to start weaning her from it. I am NOT looking forward to this. She has her pacifier in her mouth a lot and at least half of the time her teeth are clenching it and she's not sucking on it. The paci has been through a lot with her, it soothed her in the hospital while she suffered from botulism, it was her motivation in PT, to get her to roll or move across the mat, sit and lean, pretty much all actions were performed in order to get to her pacifier. In order to not sound like I worship the paci, I will say I wouldn't mind getting rid of it mainly because it's disgusting, it's a germ catcher and for the sake of her teeth.