Gracie is doing well.
I have started introducing her to table food. Up until the last few weeks the littlest pieces of food that were not pureed would make her gag. She's had small pieces of banana, grapes, potatoes and carrots. She loved them and handled them pretty well. Yogurt and mirilax help her bowels, which makes it very nice to not have to give her suppositories every other day!!
G is saying mama and has said dada a couple of times and still loves to wave!! She also gives open-mouth, super wet kisses, mainly to Britton, but occasionally to me as well.
She is also a full-time crawler, no more army crawling for her! With that also comes little red, chapped knees, which are so precious!! Gracelyn in the couple of days before turning 11 months began standing for almost 1 minute! I think in the next few weeks she may just try taking a step!
Her bottom 2 center teeth are still only about halfway in (10 weeks later) and in the meantime the top 2 on either side of the center have cut and the top center 2 are in the process of coming through. Teething tablets are plentiful at our house!
She stood for a good minute and I was just snapping like a paparazzi-crazed mama! (of course I'll admit that's what I am anyway!)
I'll also admit that these pictures were taken today at 11 months and 1 day because there was literally no time yesterday. life these days is insane so I'm afraid that posts just may become few and far between.